Quick Depression Screening Test

Check any symptoms that you have been troubled by for the last two weeks.

Category A

___ I have felt sad or blue or depressed

___ I have had a hard time feeling joy or pleasure, even while doing activities that typically bring me joy or pleasure. I feel "flat".


Category B

___I have had a hard time concentrating.

___I have felt tired or low energy.

___I have had difficulty sleeping (sleeping too little or too much)

___I have had changes in my appetite (eating too little, or too much).

___I have felt mental/physical agitation or slowing down.

___ I have felt worthless or guilty or lowered self-esteem.

___I have had thoughts about death or suicide or hurting myself.


Count the number of checks in Category A. Write that here:____

Count the number of checks in Category B. Write that here: ____.

Add up the number of checks in Category A and Category B, and write that here: _____.


If A is 1 or 2, and the sum of A and B is 5 or more, you have major depression, and should seek help from your doctor or from a psychologist.  If A is 1 or 2, and the sum of A and B is 3 or 4, you may have mild depression, and should probably seek help as well.


IMPORTANT: If you are having any thoughts about hurting yourself or killing yourself, you should seek help immediately, calling your local suicide prevention line (listed in the front of your phonebook), or calling 911, or seeing your doctor or a psychologist right away.

Quick Social Anxiety Screening Test

Check any symptoms you've been bothered by for 6 months or more:

You have persistent fear of a variety of social or performance situations

___You have strong and intense anxiety in these social or performance situations

___You avoid certain social or performance situations.

___You suffer panic attacks or anxiety attacks during social or performance situations

___You have consistent beliefs that strangers will judge you negatively, such as the beliefs that others will think you are incompetent, unintelligent, or strange.

___The social anxiety interferes significantly with your scholastic, work, or social functioning, and you have considerable emotional distress about having the problem.

SCORING: Count the number of checks. If you have a score of 5 or 6 you may suffer from social phobia or social anxiety. If you have a score of 3 or 4 you may have a mild case of social anxiety. A score of 1 or 2 may indicate some level of social discomfort. If your score is 0, congratulations, you are very comfortable socially.

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